XL Crazy Cart 36V Battery Upgrade


Our 36V lithium battery upgrade, complete plug and play with your XL crazy cart.

This is the same as factory voltage with longer more consistent power. Lithium ion batteries do not sag in voltage like lead acid (stock batteries). This will allow the cart to feel like it is fully charged 75% of the ride. 

Ride times are going to be around 1.5-1.75 hours with 180lb rider. The lighter the rider, the longer the ride time is.

Battery will use new charger (included) and charger port that is on the front of the battery box (can be seen in photos) 

Stock 36V XL batteries weight 26.1 LBS 

TG 36V Battery: 5.5 LBS 

With an overall weight savings of 20.6 LBS 

Top tangs on battery box will lock in to factory foam on the XL seat. Keeping the battery in place while riding. *** If no foam, make sure that the tie down in tight and that battery does not slide from side to side.This will cause damage to the battery box.** 


TAXI GARAGE 36V battery 

TAXI GARAGE 36V Charger 

TAXI GARAGE 3D printed battery box with built in chargeport

TAXI GARAGE sub-harness from TG36V to factory controller


•12AH with 3000mAh 18650 cells LG cells (40 Cells)

•Built in Battery Management System(BMS)- keeps cells balanced and protects from damage  Cut off Voltage is around 35V

•42v at full charge 

•50amp max discharge with 20amp standard discharge 

•Inline 30amp fuse for protection of components 

•2.5hr approx. charge time 


*Recommended: TAXI GARAGE XL Motor Bracket with stock 500W motor. This will keep the motor straight as the factory motor plate tends to bend and sag. This will cause throwing chain issues. 

**For custom color boxes please e-mail Sales@TAXI-GARAGE.com



Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Dkhari Boggess

I love it great product works great and takes sooooo much less time to charge and gives me so much more time to ride. 10/10

David Orozco
Great for starting out

Rode with just this upgrade for around 2 years and had plenty of fun. Very good for learning how to ride and for sharing the cart with other people that don't have much experience.